$150.00 USD

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Nature & Nurture: The Wind in the Willows

Join me for this 12-week nature journaling adventure as we explore summer through the lens of The Wind in the Willows.

We'll explore the life of author Kenneth Grahame, look specifically at water voles, toads, moles, and badgers, consider the habitat of the English waterway, have special tea times and "out of the box" nature journaling projects. Nature walks, watercolor tutorials, and watercolor pencil tutorials will be an important way that we connect the material of Wind in the Willows with our own nature surroundings.

Recommended supplies: sketchbook (I will use a canson mixed media sketchbook in the 7x10in size) Pentel Aquash medium water brush, watercolor pencils (I'll be using Faber-Castell 12 Albrecht Durer Watercolour pencils), a pencil, a sharpie, black gel pen, micron drawing pen (any size you like), and watercolors (I'll be using a yellow, burnt sienna, quinacridone red rose, ultramarine, cerulean, and sap green -- you can find this collection for sale on my website).

You will have access to the Wind in the Willows class indefinitely.